Friday, October 5, 2007


So apparently there were things I forgot to mention/tried to nlack out about Germany:
1) the PROST- it´s said if you don´t do this correctly then you are doomed to seven years bad sex. When I told our table this the common response was ¨bad sex is better than my no sex so who cares!¨ ...classy

2)Lederhosen is amazing. All the German dudes wear it and I want a pair, even if just to weat around the house. I don´t know what the women wear but its great also. Revealing...but not in a trashy way. I´m not a perv, it´s their heritage!

3) Ok, so maybe I am a perv

4) Earlier I called the white powdery substance snooze, that´s incorrect, it´s called snuff. Snooze is the Swedish equivalent to our dip and it comes in packets and you put it between your gums. Very socially exceptable there and also worth a try for those of you who can stomach it.

5) Overall I found the Germans very agreeable (surprisingly). Most loved america and I got yelled out very little (again, surprisingly). Though when they did yell, especially the women, it was scary as hell.

I arrived in florence hungover as hell around nine am. I was probably working off of 1.5 hours of broken sleep and stunk to high hell as I hadn´t showered in a day )due to the night train) and alcohol was leaking out of my pores. In other words, I wasn´t worthy of such a beautiful city. Nonetheless, I had a little over a day to kill before my flight so I tried to make the best of it. I dropped my bags at the hostel and joined an english tour and probably made them all sick. I´ve already been to Florence and seen the galleries, the David, the tombs of all the great italian artists (Dante, et al) so I decided to take the day to appreciate the city as much as I could, considering my state. I walked up to the Plaza de Michaelangelo where you have an amazing view. The Plaza itself is about as touristy as it gets, but its worth the sacrfice to view the skyline (with the duomo), the river, and the tuscan hillside all in one. It´ll make your heart skip a beat. That night I decided I could stomach an italian meal and set down for a traditional one, it did not disappoint. Salad, pasta, meat, bread, all the best. The only thing missing was wine (for obvious reasons). I wandered around a bit and checked out the Ponte Vecchio, the only bridge the germans left standing. Back then bridges were built with houses jutting out on them, but now they are jewelry stores. It´s quite a sight.
When I returned to the hostel I decided to plan out some future travels in order to improve my mood and ended up meeting a fellow traveler from madrid. We spoke in Spanish for a little over an hour then I met another traveler from Argentina who I spoke to for about another hour. Although I struggled at some point they did make me feel a little bit better about my language abilities, as well as being a total waste of space.

Since I´ve been sick/hungover for the past four days and spending most of my time in my spanish books, I´ll share some Valencian cultural things with you that I´ve noticed:
-they LOVE cigarettes: everyone, even mothers with babies. It´s so wrong yet they have the longest life expectancy in Europe and beat out americans, who knows!
-They also love the lotto! They don´t sell them in stores but there´s usually a little stand on just about every street corner.
-The spanish people are really friendly and Im starting to make passing jokes with some of my neighbors. I usually can´t understand what they say to me, but we have a laugh. I swear valencians speak faster than anyone else in spain.
-LOVE the mullet, then again, so does the rest of western europe

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